Facial Analysis and Tissue Cell Salts

“Read in your face what you and your loved ones are missing.” — Kurt Hickethier

The facial analysis of cell salt deficiencies was pioneered in Germany by Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler who founded the 12 cell salts mineral therapy, first documented by Kurt Hickethier who published his book “Sonnerschau: Lehrbuch der Antlitz-Diagnostik” (“Sonnerschau: Textbook about the Facial Diagnosis”) in 1936, and expanded by their admirers. This approach can help you find greater balance and health by reducing mineral deficiencies detected in the face. When certain signs appear in your face, the use of one or more cell salts can be given to replenish your mineral and nutrient reserves and so you begin to feel stronger, more energetic, and more mentally clear.

Lauren Emmerson

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Wellness Alternatives

Regina, SK
S0H 0T0


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